Title: Significant Milestone Reached as Scaffolding is Removed from Notre Dame Cathedral
Paris, France – The reconstruction of Notre Dame cathedral reached a major milestone as the scaffolding that covered its damaged roof since the devastating fire in April 2019 is being carefully removed. This crucial step signifies the progress made towards restoring the iconic landmark to its former glory.
The intricate process of removing the scaffolding has unveiled the cathedral’s new spire, adorned with a resplendent golden rooster and cross. This glimpse into the future appearance of the building has brought renewed hope to residents and onlookers, who have been eagerly anticipating the restoration.
Frederico Benani, a witness to the catastrophic fire, was particularly emotional upon seeing the spire again. He expressed his optimism for the cathedral’s future, acknowledging the symbols of resilience and renewal that the new spire represents.
While the reopening of Notre Dame is planned for December 8, the cathedral will remain closed to the public during the upcoming Paris Olympics in July and August. This measure has been put in place to avoid potential damage as construction efforts continue.
The mammoth task of removing the scaffolding is projected to take weeks, or possibly months, due to the extensive usage of scaffolding – a staggering 70,000 individual pieces weighing 600 tons were employed to safeguard the spire alone. Nonetheless, the gradual dismantling of the scaffolding marks a significant step forward in the restoration process.
As a potent symbol of resilience and renewal, a new golden rooster, reminiscent of a phoenix with flaming feathers, was installed atop the spire in December. This symbolic addition serves as a powerful reminder of Notre Dame’s strength and determination to rise from the ashes.
Furthermore, additional restoration endeavors include the installation of an anti-fire misting system beneath the cathedral’s roof, as well as the faithful recreation of the original cross.
The diligent efforts of the reconstruction team, in collaboration with architects, artisans, and experts, are gradually restoring this magnificent architectural marvel. With each milestone achieved, Notre Dame cathedral edges closer towards reclaiming its position as a symbol of faith and heritage in the heart of Paris.
Press inquiries or updates regarding the restoration process can be directed to the Matzav Blog.
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