Title: FT.com Offers Trial Access to its Digital Packages, Empowering Users with Premium News Options
Leading global news source, FT.com, is granting its users complete digital access to its coveted content during a special trial period. The trial allows users to experience the features and benefits of both the Standard Digital and Premium Digital packages offered by FT.com.
The Standard Digital package provides access to a comprehensive range of global news, in-depth analyses, and expert opinions. Subscribers can explore a breadth of articles and stay up-to-date with the latest developments across various sectors.
Meanwhile, the Premium Digital package offers an enhanced experience with exclusive features. Users gain unrestricted access to the prominent business column known as Lex, along with 15 curated newsletters covering key business themes. These newsletters feature original and in-depth reporting, cutting through the noise to bring readers valuable insights.
Throughout the trial period, users have the freedom to change their subscription plan at any time by simply visiting the “Settings & Account” section on FT.com. This allows them to fully customize their experience and choose the most suitable plan for their needs.
At the end of the trial, if no action is taken, users will automatically be enrolled in the premium digital monthly subscription plan priced at $69 per month. However, FT.com provides users with the option to change their plan online and potentially save on costs. Those who decide to continue their subscription can choose to pay annually, receiving a generous 20% discount while still retaining uninterrupted premium access.
Alternatively, customers can also downgrade to the Standard Digital plan, which offers an expansive range of high-quality journalism to suit their interests. This option ensures that users can still enjoy a robust news experience even if they choose to switch from the Premium Digital plan.
It’s worth noting that any changes made to the subscription plan during the trial period will become effective at the end of the four-week access, guaranteeing users full unrestricted access until that time. This allows individuals the flexibility to explore all available options before deciding on the subscription plan that best meets their needs.
FT.com’s trial access to the Standard Digital and Premium Digital packages opens up a world of quality journalism and insights to users, empowering them to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the news curve. Whether they choose to continue with the premium offerings or opt for the standard package, FT.com guarantees a valuable and enriching news experience for all subscribers.
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